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The Structured Approach

The Intellimatch site (http://www.intellimatch.com/) offers a different approach for the job candidate and the employer: the structured approach. It's different than a keyword search in that it's more sophisticated and allows far more information to be included about a candidate. An example of a structured resume as compared to the regular keyword resume can be drawn between one word: Pagemaker. With a keyword search, the employer would just type in the one word: Pagemaker. In a structured approach, the job seeker would not only enter Pagemaker, but would include how many years and months they worked with the program, and then they would go one step further and specify whether they used the program or created it, among other possibilities. This enables an employer to look for someone with a specific skill level for certain programs.

Intellimatch offers the structured approach through their PowerResume, which enables you to choose to type in programs and other skills you have or have used. After you chose the programs that apply to you, another form comes up for you to specify the years you used the skill or program, and then you can choose exactly how you used, or created the program, or whether you're an expert.